Monday, January 16, 2012

day 1

I'm not going to lie, my workout for day 1 was HARD. I woke up disoriented and pony-tailed...err...I mean bright and bushy-tailed and headed to the gym while the sun was still sleeping.

On my drive to the gym I realized I was already a winner. I woke up, put on my clothes, and was now almost to the gym. That's already an improvement from yesterday.

Today was an upper body workout and I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to raise my arms again.

Exercises for today
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Dumbbell flyes
  • Wide-grip lat pulldown
  • One arm dumbbell row
  • Side raises
  • Bent over raises
  • Alternating dumbbell curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Tricep pushdown
  • Bench dips
I started my workout at 6:28 AM and ended at 7:19 AM. The Body For Life program recommends keeping you weight training at a maximum of 46 minutes. I was 5 minutes over so there is more room for improvement there. 

I was trying not to cry on my way home from the gym because of the burning in muscles. To distract myself I did math. There are 84 days total, 7 days are free days, that leaves 77 days of working out, 39 days of those days are cardio, that means 38 days are weight training, divide that by 2 (because I'll alternate my weight training between upper and lower body) and you get 19. I have one upper body workout under my belt so that means I only have 18 more to go!!!!! (Yup, that's how I distracted myself from the pain)

I'm going to try and end each blog entry with a positive and negative thought for the day, here goes:

Positive for today - The gym was comical. I was seriously struggling with my 12 pound dumbbell during the end of my work out. I mean...eyes were straining, arms were shaking, my body was giving out. I look to my right and the guy beside is curling at least 200 pound dumbbells with only his pinkies (This is, of course, false. He was however curling 60 lbs dumbbells like they were bath loofah's) He caught me staring and we both had a good laugh. I just muttered, "it's my first day." Hey, you have to start somewhere. My start is the 12 lbs dumbbell. I will conquer it, guaranteed!

Negative for today - So far, no negatives here. I'm still running on adrenaline. I'm sure the days will get harder but I would consider day 1 a SUCCESS.


1 comment:

  1. Yay for you great job i'd say for the first day lol,hell it be a great job on my 89th day .
