Tuesday, January 31, 2012

day 16

Food For Thought....

First, I would like to apologize for being MIA lately. Weekends are usually pretty busy for Josh and I and this past one was no exception. I have fully recovered from my illness and I'm back in the gym. I took my two week measurements yesterday and so far I've lost 4 pounds and 2.1% body fat. I was sooo pleased with these results considering I missed FIVE workouts last week. (between being sick and work, it was all I could do to stay awake until I got home.)

Now that we have that out of the way I want to get to the meat and potatoes (pun intended) of this blog post.


I LOVE FOOD. I love the way it taste, the way it smells, the texture, and the cooking process.  I guess that's a given though considering I'm trying to lose weight. I'm not a very good "dieter" because of my love of food and it's also the reason I've given up on other diet plans. Usually "diet food" is bland and gets old fast. This time around seems different and Josh and I are finding some really great recipes to keep things spicy.

Tonight for dinner I made Chicken Stir Fry with Brown Rice.

It was so simple to make and so delightful to eat. In a previous blog post I mentioned a delectable Vegetable Beef Stew that Josh made. Here is proof of the masterpiece:

Both of these recipes met the Body for Life criteria, were mainly prepped ahead of time, took no time to cook, and made plenty of leftovers for the next days meals. If we can continue to make meals this good Josh and I may just be "healthy" eaters for life!!!

Now, on a more sinful note, I will leave you with a picture of what we devoured on our cheat day

I hate to sound "cheesy" but it was the best thing I've ever tasted. (I'm pretty sure I'm on a "roll" tonight)

Until next time food friends....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

day 10 : "pribe of libe"

Tuesday and Wednesday have pretty much been a repeat of Monday. I'm still sick, the only difference is I had to go back to work! (WOO HOO, I know my co-workers LOVE when I bring my sneezy, wheezy, snotty germs with me every day). I've been replaying an episode of Friends in my head all day. It's the one where Monica gets sick and she tries to convince everyone that she is OK. This scene (link is below) she tries to convince Chandler that she isn't sick that she is in the "Pribe of Libe" (Prime of Life)


 Earlier in the episode she explains to everyone that is not sick, she is completely "fine-d"

Monica: (entering) Hey!

Ross: Hey!

Chandler: Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?

Monica: (congested) Ugh, they sent me home. They said I can’t work if I’m sick.

All: Ohh!

Chandler: I’m so sorry you’re sick.

Monica: I’m not sick!! I don’t get sick! Getting sick is for weaklings and for pansies!

Rachel: Honey, no one thinks you’re a pansy, but we do think you need a tissue. (She notices something hanging from Monica’s nose, as does Joey.)

Monica: (wiping her nose) I have not been sick in over three years! (Sneezes.)

Chandler: I’m gonna grab you some tissue.

Monica: I don’t need a tissue! I’m fine-d!

Ross: When you put a ‘D’ at the end of ‘Fine’ you’re not fine.

Monica: I’m fine-d. I’m fine-d! Y’know, it’s a really hard word to say

It's true you know, fine REALLY is a hard word to say!!! I've missed my workouts since Monday but I've stuck to clean eating. I was hopeful I would be able to return to the gym tonight but it doesn't look promising. I left work early and I'm snuggled on the couch. I'm not sure I have enough energy to finish writing this blog...let alone get up and go to the gym. My fingers are crossed that I will wake up tomorrow feeling fresh and energized and be able to start "workin' on my fitness" again.

Please continue to send positive, healthy, sanitized thoughts my way!! It's all greatly appreciated.

Monday, January 23, 2012

day 8: sick day

Well, today was supposed to be the start of week two. Instead, it was the start of what I'm now calling "the great sinus infection of 2012." I called in sick to work and spent a majority of the day sleeping in bed. I guess the only upside for today is that what little food I did eat was certainly part of the Body for Life diet. So far today I've had yogurt, a few pieces of sliced turkey, a handful of veggies, an apple, and then I ate about half of a fajita that Josh made for dinner. Needless to say, I didn't get my workout in either. Hopefully I will wake up in the morning feeling more like myself and be able to get two days worth of workouts into one session.

I've taken more meds and I'm off to bed.

Until tomorrow.....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

day 7

free day

AHHH...at last, it's finally here! The day I've worked so hard for. Drum roll please...(I don't hear the drums, can you tap on your computer a little louder???)

FREE DAY!!!!!!

Every dumbbell lifted, every step ran, every complaint about sore muscles was all for today!! (yea, yea, yea, I know your probably thinking, "Well Carrie, shouldn't you be doing this for your overall health and well being, not a cheat day?" To you I say, "MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAX!" (in a very polite and cordial tone of course.) My mentality for getting through this first week was all about this week's free day. Like I said in a previous post, I'm taking this one step at time. By making it to today's free day that means I have successfully finished one week of the program. That's a big accomplishment. Take one down, pass it around, I only have 11 weeks left. If I can make it to next Sunday's cheat day then I will have achieved another week of success. What better way of celebrating these little weight loss successes then by stuffing your face with whatever you want. Now, I didn't actually stuff my face with anything I wanted but Josh and I did indulge our cravings and ate Olive Garden for lunch. The cheese was DELIGHTFUL!!! I'm sure the rest of the meal was great too but I still have the vision of the warm, melty, scrumptious cheese front and center in my mind.


OK, moving on, the moment has passed.

We sat down tonight and prepared our meal plan for the week then conquered the grocery store. I also have my workout plan ready to go for my 6AM date with the gym.  I guess that only means one thing: I'm ready, BRING ON WEEK 2.

Friday, January 20, 2012

day 5

All I have for today is my POSITIVE thought!

I'm SOOOO thankful that it is FINALLY Friday. I didn't think it was ever going to get here. Today was an arm workout and I should have gone before work instead of after. I was too tired to get up this morning though. There were way to many people at the gym so I had to modify my workout on the fly. I did ask the guy beside me if he needed to borrow my 10 lb dumbbells, he smiled and said no. Keep in mind though, this is as he's curling like 45 lb dumbbells. (ONE of his dumbbells weighed more than both of mine combined) I make myself laugh!!!

Now, I'm going to sleep and I plan on sleeping in tomorrow morning! Good Night!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

day 4

Today was interesting to say the least. After my leg workout yesterday, stairs were a challenge to climb today, and since I work on the second story of our building there was no escaping them. I may or may not have climbed up them on my knees at one point. Yea, I'm that classy.

Today was a cardio day and after the pain I was in at work I wasn't sure I would be able to finish this workout. I took it one step at a time. I told myself when I got home from work just to change into my workout clothes. Then I told myself that I would just stretch a little and see where that led. Then I told myself I would just jog a little around the block. Then, before I knew it, I had ran for 20 minutes. It was more of a run/walk but still, I DID IT!!! I just need to remember to take every day one step at a time. If I do, I just might be able to complete this program with some sanity.

Today's POSITIVE for today is the FOOD! You might be surprised but my diet has been delightful this week. Today I had a Grilled Chicken Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing for lunch.

Then for dinner I made Whole Wheat Goulash!!! It's still simmering on the stove so I haven't tasted it yet but it smells amazing!!!

I would recommend Body For Life to anyone just for the food. Josh and I were talking today and we are hopeful that we will continue our healthy eating habits once the 12 weeks are over. We aren't used to eating at home this often so it's been an adjustment. There are about 140 times the amount of dishes each day then we are used to and I don't think my fridge has ever had this many groceries in it. But, it's been so fun to get to create healthy meals with Josh and actually pay attention to what we are putting in our bodies. (that's what she said!)

Until tomorrow.....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

day 3

LEGS ; noun ; "either of the two lower limbs of a biped, as a human being, or any of the paired limbs of an animal, arthropod, etc., that support and move the body."

I no longer have legs. Having legs would imply that I have lower limbs that support and move my body. I once had legs, then I did my first Body for Life lower body workout. I'm pretty sure that in the morning when I wake up I'll put my feet on the ground, stretch while sitting on the side of my bed, then stand. At this point, I will immediately fall to the ground because my legs now hate me!

The leg workout wasn't ALL terrible. I mean, i was able to finish it, so that's good. I'm looking forward to getting fitter and stronger because today's workout reminded me how weak I am. It was like a slap in face, or more literally, a kick in the leg. I did these workouts:

  • Leg Press
  • Leg Extensions
  • Dumbbell Lunges
  • Lying Leg Curl
  • Angled Calf Raises
  • One Leg Calf Raises
  • Crunches
  • Bent Knee Leg Raises
I think I could have pushed harder during my workout but I was tired. Now that I know what to expect I will mentally prepare better for my next lower body workout. I think that will give me a "leg up"

Positive thought for today: I was able to once again get up at 6AM and go to the gym before work. I hope this "early to rise" trend continues to get easier because it's quite enjoyable to get my workout out of the way right after I wake up.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

day 2

I decided to go the gym after work today and that was a mistake I forgot that I'm not the only one with a new years resolution to get fit. There were about 436 people there and that really messed with my mojo. Thankfully today was just cardio so I managed, but I have made a mental note that going to the gym before work will be a must between now and March. I figure March is about when people start giving up on their resolutions. Hopefully by March I'll be thinner, more motivated, and still as pumped to go to the gym everyday.

I've also decided to change up the formatting already. (Hey, it's my blog, i can do what I want) I will no longer be ending each post with a positive and negative. I will only include a positive thought each day. I don't have any room for negative thoughts.

Today's high note - Dinner!!! Josh made a fabulous vegetable beef stew while I was at the gym. It was A-MAZ-ING. I took a picture to share with everyone but my body hurts too bad to upload it right now.

Until tomorrow.....

Monday, January 16, 2012

day 1

I'm not going to lie, my workout for day 1 was HARD. I woke up disoriented and pony-tailed...err...I mean bright and bushy-tailed and headed to the gym while the sun was still sleeping.

On my drive to the gym I realized I was already a winner. I woke up, put on my clothes, and was now almost to the gym. That's already an improvement from yesterday.

Today was an upper body workout and I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to raise my arms again.

Exercises for today
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Dumbbell flyes
  • Wide-grip lat pulldown
  • One arm dumbbell row
  • Side raises
  • Bent over raises
  • Alternating dumbbell curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Tricep pushdown
  • Bench dips
I started my workout at 6:28 AM and ended at 7:19 AM. The Body For Life program recommends keeping you weight training at a maximum of 46 minutes. I was 5 minutes over so there is more room for improvement there. 

I was trying not to cry on my way home from the gym because of the burning in muscles. To distract myself I did math. There are 84 days total, 7 days are free days, that leaves 77 days of working out, 39 days of those days are cardio, that means 38 days are weight training, divide that by 2 (because I'll alternate my weight training between upper and lower body) and you get 19. I have one upper body workout under my belt so that means I only have 18 more to go!!!!! (Yup, that's how I distracted myself from the pain)

I'm going to try and end each blog entry with a positive and negative thought for the day, here goes:

Positive for today - The gym was comical. I was seriously struggling with my 12 pound dumbbell during the end of my work out. I mean...eyes were straining, arms were shaking, my body was giving out. I look to my right and the guy beside is curling at least 200 pound dumbbells with only his pinkies (This is, of course, false. He was however curling 60 lbs dumbbells like they were bath loofah's) He caught me staring and we both had a good laugh. I just muttered, "it's my first day." Hey, you have to start somewhere. My start is the 12 lbs dumbbell. I will conquer it, guaranteed!

Negative for today - So far, no negatives here. I'm still running on adrenaline. I'm sure the days will get harder but I would consider day 1 a SUCCESS.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

it's only 84 days

Hello World

I've always wanted to start a blog but I've just not had much to write about. That all changed today, well, technically, it changes tomorrow! Tomorrow I begin the Body for Life challenge. For those of you that are unfamiliar visit www.bodyforlife.com for more information. In short, it is a 12 week diet and exercise program. Josh and I have become VERY comfortable in our bodies since we have been together and we have let ourselves go a bit. We are VERY excited to do this 12 week journey together and I thought it would be a therapeutic idea to blog about our journey. (I also thought this might be a motivator to also stick with it) We've spent some time researching, bought the book, and grocery shopped. Starting at 7 AM tomorrow I will be on my way to a thinner and more fit version of myself. I hope you enjoy reading about my experience as much as I will enjoy living it!!

I'm going to list my goals in this post so that A) They are listed in ink (or pixels, whatever), and B) so that hopefully someone will read this and hold me accountable!!!

My Goals:
  1. Lose at least 25 pounds
  2. Drop 3 pant sizes
  3. Have more energy
  4. Retain some of my healthy eating habits after the challenge
  5. Grow closer to Josh 
Fingers crossed that my blog post 85 days from now will include my before and after photos and I make a Body for Life believer out of everyone who took time to read this.

Here is what I keep telling myself. It's only 84 days...I can do this!! I've decided on the "84" days motto because it is a less daunting to say then, "It's only 120,960 minutes" or "It's only 2016 hours" Yup, it's only 84 days. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the next three months.